One very common question in profile extrusion is what tolerance can you hold?
We believe it's important to review and agree on tolerances with our customers prior to actual design and construction of your tool. We want to understand the fit and function of your final product so we can discuss why the tolerances are important.
Tool design and cooling methods are very important when considering the material being used and your desired tolerances. The tightest tolerances are usually maintained using a streamlined die with vacuum calibration.
What about the length tolerance?
As with profile tolerances, length tolerances are very important and should be discussed early in your plastic extrusion project to confirm that the quoted cutting method is acceptable and no secondary operations will be required.
Length tolerance is determined by many factors that may include:
- The material used to produce your plastic extrusion profile
- The environment in where your final product will be used
- The function of your plastic extrusion profile
- The geometry of your plastic extrusion profile